Mr. Thomas Mrs. Mihailoff
Mrs. Delbrey Mr. Mastantonio
Ms. Merrill
Mrs. Jaeger
Co-Teach Rockstars
Mrs. Maier - [email protected]
Mrs. Donovan - [email protected]
Mrs. Maier - Mrs. Donovan - Maier Donovan Amazon Wish List

Mrs. Maier Mrs. Donovan
Benefits of Co-Teaching
Co-teaching allows more opportunities for small group and one-to-one learning, and stronger modeling during lessons. The co-planning process encourages two teachers to bounce ideas off each other in order to deliver the strongest, most creative lessons.
Mr. Thomas - [email protected]
Mrs. Mihailoff - [email protected]
Mrs. Mihailoff's Amazon Wish List
Mr. Mastantonio -[email protected]
Mr. Mastantonio's Amazon Wish List
Mrs. Delbrey - A[email protected]
Mrs. Delbrey's Amazon Wish List
Ms. Merrill - [email protected]