**NEW District Registration Requirements
To verify your address, you
must provide the following:
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If you own a house: warranty deed, property taxes, closing contract, or
homestead exemption card along with current utility bill, your ID with current
address, and current mail.
If you rent a house or apartment: provide the signed lease, your ID
with your current address, recent utility bill, proof of rent payments, current
mail, and renters insurance.
If you live with
someone who owns or rents the house: you must obtain a Verification of
Residence from Student Enrollment Office.
You will need to provide a minimum of
the following documents:
Your ID with
current address
2. Three items with
your name and address dated within the last month, such as car registration,
paystub, bank statement, insurance, phone bill, or current mail.
3. 3. In addition, you
must provide the ID of the lessee or homeowner and a copy of the lease or proof
of homeownership.
documentation may be required depending on circumstances in a case-by-case
You will need to schedule an appointment for
the address verification at the Student Enrollment Office
6501 Magic Way Blvd 100B Orlando, FL 32809
Appointment link
To register, go to register.ocps.net, All information on student enrollment and registration will be will be on the left side of the page - New Student - Kindergarten - Changing Schools.
Click the links that apply to you.
There you will find the registration packet, You can:
1. Download, print it, fill it out, and sign the pages, Be sure to have all required documentation that is needed, then make an appointment with Ms. Inman to turn them in.
Please be sure to make a copy for your records.
2. Download and save the forms to your computer, open saved files, fill in blanks, save them, and then along with the required documents attached to one email.
You can save, scan, and/or take pictures of the required documents and attach them with forms to ONE email to [email protected]
Any further assistance with registration please email
[email protected]
Hello 6th grade parents. The state of Florida requires that all students entering 7th grade must have the Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis immunization, also known as T-dap. Your child MUST have this immunization in order to start the 7th grade. If your child has had the Tdap immunization, please get the form from your doctor and drop it off to us at the school’s front office.
TDAP Parent Consent Form TDAP Parent Letter