Audubon Park School PTSA Chapter Created & Approved!


2024-2025 Executive Board Members:

President - Erin Provenzale

Secretary - Erin Irvin

Treasurer - Erica DeRobertis

Co - VP's of Communications - Gina Cortese & Garrett Cortese

Co - VP's of Events - Meri Gaston, Allison Pope-Shutts & Amy Von Hofen

Audubon Serves - Jamie Buechele

Parent Teacher Liaisons - Caitlin Shelby & Rachel McDougall

Parliamentarian - Lindsey Masterson

Co -VP's of Fundraising - Gwilym Roddick & Bret Gainsford

Partner in Education - Kristen DeFabrizio

Membership - Kelly Fowler

Falcon Fund - Devin Quereshi & Molly Peaden


Banner PTSA
Join or Renew PTSA

Contact us: audubonparkschoolpt[email protected]

APS School Picture


Link to PTSA website

Link to PTSA Facebook